Büyükelçinin Mesajı


Dear citizens, dear Belgian friends, valuable members of the Turkish community in Belgium,

I have started my duty as the Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye to the Kingdom of Belgium. I am pleased to represent Türkiye in a friendly and allied country with which we have deep-rooted relations.

Our diplomatic relations, which started with the friendship and trade agreement signed between the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Belgium on 18 October 1838, have been developing in many fields such as trade, culture, tourism and investment since then and have been continuing with the awareness of friendship and alliance. The understanding of constructive dialogue and cooperation, which constitute the foundations of our country's entrepreneurial and humanitarian foreign policy, also constitutes the building block of our relations with Belgium.

The Turkish community, which is present in every aspect of life in Belgium, forms a cultural bridge between our countries and represents an important dimension of our relations.

In the period ahead, our priority will be to strengthen our relations with Belgium in every sense. In this direction, we aim to further increase the dialogue channels in our bilateral relations, to keep the momentum in our economic and commercial relations alive, to encourage investments, and to take our tourism and cultural relations one step further. In this framework, the year 2023, which corresponds to the 100th anniversary of our Republic and the 185th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Türkiye and Belgium, has a special meaning for our relations. At the same time, in 2024, we will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Türkiye-Belgium Bilateral Labour Agreement of 16 July 1964, which was instrumental for our citizens to come to Belgium.

Dear members of the Turkish community in Belgium, our esteemed citizens,

During my term of office, I will be pleased to work in coordination and contact with you to solve problems and improve relations in every sense. Our Embassy and Consulates General in Belgium are always ready for service. It is admirable that the Turkish community in Belgium does not give space to the circles trying to harm the spirit of solidarity.

With these feelings and thoughts, I greet you with my most sincere feelings, and on behalf of my staff and on my own, I offer you all my love, respect and greetings.

Bekir Uysal
